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We are a HubSpot Partner Agency and we are certified in:

  • Inbound Marketing
  • Inbound Sales
  • Onboarding
  • Growth-Driven Design

Our HubSpot Services

linea-separadorInbound Marketing 

Performs marketing actions and integration of the entire system under one tool.linea-separador

linea-separadorInbound Sales

Increase the productivity of your sales team.linea-separador

We have experience in various sectors, see our case studies. 




Choose a sector to learn how we prepare sales and marketing strategies according to your specifications and objectives.linea-separador

linea-separadorHayas Clients

Read the testimonials of our clients and their results after choosing us for different Marketing and Sales actions. linea-separador



IMPROVE Marketing & Sales processes and GROW!

Integrate all Marketing resources and information with your Sales force, under an Inbound Strategy and the HubSpot platform. 



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We are HubSpot GOLD Partner Agency

We are certified in Inbound Marketing, Inbound Sales and Growth-Driven Design methodology. 

Read more about Hubspot.

Here you can find all our Services, designed to create a system of continuous growth and transformation.

As specialized consultants in Inbound Marketing and Inbound Sales methodology, we help you achieving the maximum performance of the HubSpot platform, boosting your action plan and achieving synergies between Marketing and Sales.

Content Localization

We adapt marketing content to the Spanish and Latin American market.

Inbound Marketing Campaigns

We create contents focused on your Buyer Personas and your Ideal Customer profile.

Consulting & Training

Strategic and Process Consulting and training in HubSpot's Inbound methodology and technology.

HubSpot Setup

Technical and functional setup and configuration of HubSpot's CRM and Marketing and Sales tools.

GDD Web Design

Growth-Driven Design (GDD)is the web design that facilitates continuous growth.


Analysis and optimization of Marketing and/or Sales processes with HubSpot.

Learn about all the advantages of implementing an Inbound Marketing and Sales Strategy.


Turn your Marketing and Sales Areas into a strategic asset.

Continuously increase your value and gradually reduce your dependence on digital advertising investments.

Focus on helping, not selling

Focus your sales strategy in the digital channel on helping your current and future customers.

Target your Buyer Personas and your ideal customer profile.

Offering products and services to those who bring them value will be your best loyalty plan.

Plan and manage the relationship with each of your current and future customers.

Design a "one-to-one" Communication Strategy, according to objectives, interests, customer segments and stages of their consumer journey.

Provide the most innovative technology to your Marketing and Sales teams.

Increase the performance of your Marketing and Sales teams, eliminating errors and providing them with the most efficient tools.

Integrate Marketing and Sales software into your systems.

HubSpot applications connect with hundreds of applications, ERP's, other CRM's and any other business management system.


Discover the solution implemented by the companies in your industry


A Solution for fintech and insurtech companies

The financial and insurance sector is undergoing a true revolution. A strategy focused on people and business scalability that creates a great customer experience and automates marketing and sales processes, while maintaining a personalized relationship, will be the key to gain or regain the trust of customers and prospects. 

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A Solution for logistics and transportation companies

Automate your marketing activities and focus on your business while getting new leads to your website.

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Inbound solutions for companies in the Industrial Sector

The industrial sector is experiencing an unprecedented moment of change in the digital sphere. Industrial companies that want to grow have a strategy based on their branding and have systematized marketing and sales procedures to deploy their internationalization plan on their Branding and have systematized Marketing and Sales procedures to deploy their internationalization plan by replicating their processes in new markets. 

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A Solution for technology companies

Do you know the latest Marketing and Sales tools and techniques? A Global Digital Strategy that puts all your resources in line to meet your objectives will take you to the next level.

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Inbound Marketing & Sales for companies in the online education and training sector.

The new learning society demands new training models, with highly specialized programs. Attracting the attention of candidates and meeting their current needs is our challenge.

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Do you know the full potential of an Inbound Marketing & Sales Strategy for your company?

Discover the possibilities and synergies offered by Inbound Marketing and Inbound Sales solutions to integrate your Marketing Plan with your Sales Plan and turn it into a Strategic Asset. 

Do you want to know what would be your ideal strategy and the tools you'd need?


Ask for a consulting Meeting


Hayas Inbound Blog


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Supercharge Your E-Commerce with Shopify HubSpot Integration.

Your Shopify Store’s Secret to Marketing Success.

E-commerce is a dynamic and fiercely competitive realm. As a Shopify...

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Understanding and Unleashing the Power of HubSpot's Sales Hub.

If you're ready to enhance your sales efforts, it's time to delve into the world of HubSpot Sales Hub. This potent tool...

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How to Get the Most Out of the Free Version of HubSpot CRM

HubSpot CRM is renowned for its robust features and powerful capabilities in customer relationship management. While...

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Marketing Automation for Startups

Marketing Automation is a must-have for startups and the optimization of their digital efforts. First we will try to...

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Social Selling as a new Business Trend

Social selling closes the doors to the old sales model, based on the typical cold calls, and is proposed as a new trend...

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What are buyer personas and what are they for?

Defining your Buyer Personas correctly will help you reaching your Ideal Customer, both for B2B and B2C activities.


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Your Strategy with Marketing Model Canvas

Can you imagine seeing your entire Marketing Strategy at a glance? With Marketing Model Canvas you get a mind map or...

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ABM strategy to attract large accounts

An ABM or Account-Based Marketing & Sales Strategy is a Marketing and Sales Strategy for B2B companies based on...


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